Get exam information


Method Description
exam.examGet Get exam list.

Request parameters

    "id": {ExamId}

Response parameters

    "id": {TestId},
    "title": "{ExamTitle}",
    "category": "{ExamCategory}",
    "code": "{ExamCode}",
    "total_questions": {TotalQuestions},
    "created": {Created},
    "updated": {Updated},
    "version": {Version},
    "autoplay_media": {AutoplayMedia},
    "randomize_answers": {RandomizeAnswers},
    "testing_questions": {TestingQuestions},
    "testing_time": {TestingTime},
    "ready": {Ready}

Variable Type Appearance Description
{TotalQuestions} Integer Mandatory Total number of questions available in the exam.
{Created} Integer Mandatory Exam creation time. Unix Timestamp.
{Updated} Integer Mandatory Last update time. Unix Timestamp.
{Version} Integer Mandatory Exam version. Value increased automatically each time when exam is marked as ready.

Please refer to exam update operation to get explanation of all fields.