Update exam


Method Description
exam.examUpdate Update exam.

Request parameters

    "id": {TestId},
    "title": "{ExamTitle}",
    "category": "{ExamCategory}",
    "code": "{ExamCode}",
    "autoplay_media": {AutoplayMedia},
    "randomize_answers": {RandomizeAnswers},
    "testing_questions": {TestingQuestions},
    "testing_time": {TestingTime}

Response parameters

    "completed": {Comleted}

Variable Type Appearance Description
{TestId} Integer Mandatory Exam id.
{ExamTitle} String Mandatory Exam title.
{ExamCategory} String Mandatory Exam category. For example "Language" for language related exams or vendor name if it is vendor specific exam.
{ExamCode} String Mandatory Exam code.
{AutoplayMedia} Boolean Optional When enabled, media content (like audio) will be automatically started when questions is displayed in online exam simulation. Enabled by default.
{RandomizeAnswers} Boolean Optional When enabled, question answers will be displayed in random order. Enabled by default.
{TestingQuestions} Integer Optional Number of questions, which should appear in online exam simulation. If omitted will be handled automatically. Setting to 0 will re-enable auto-handling. Default value is 60 or will be equal to total available questions (multiple of 5) if it less than 60.
{TestingTime} Integer Optional Time given to complete online exam simulation (in minutes). Default value is 1.5 minute for each question. If omitted will be handled automatically.
{Completed} Boolean Mandatory Indicates whether action was successfully completed or not.